Meet our faculty
Research Specialties:
- Interfacial phenomena
- Stability in disperse systems
- Process intensification
- Advanced manufacturing
Research Specialties:
- Metabolic engineering
- Systems biology
- Synthetic biology
- Urban sustainability
Research Specialties:
- Batteries
- Biomaterials
- Energy
- Supercritical fluids
- Sustainable engineering
Research Specialties:
- Cross-coupling catalysis
- Flow chemistry/continual chemical processing
- Organic synthesis in pharmaceuticals
Research Specialties:
- Continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing
- Protein crystallization
- Process design & control
Research Specialties:
- Biological effects of nanoparticles
- Advanced in vitro exposure systems
- Nanomedicines & naninformatics
Research Specialties:
- Protein engineering viral therapeutics
- Cancer therapeutics Alzheimer's
- Disease research
Research Specialties:
- Metabolic engineering
- Systems biology
- Synthetic biology
- Urban sustainability
Research specialties:
- Protein engineering
- Developing sustainable biomaterials
- Renewable energy
Research Specialties:
- Multifunctional textiles & polymer composites
- Self-assembly of metal-polymer hybrid nanoparticles
Research Specialties:
- Biomaterials
- Drug delivery
- Medical devices
- 3D printing
- Nanotechnology
Research Specialties:
- Biosensors
- Flexible bioelectronics
- Sustainable materials
- Nanoscience
VCU Engineering’s Medicines for All Institute partners with industry to secure the domestic pharmaceutical supply chain
To prevent domestic shortages of critical medications, the Medicines for All Institute, based in the Virginia Commonwealth University College of Engineering, has joined forces with pharmaceutical industry leaders to bring manufacturing of vulnerable pharmaceuticals and their ingredients back to the United States.