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Site visits allow you to market your organization to VCU College of Engineering students! By hosting a site visit, you allow students to broaden their horizons and see what real engineers do on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, you provide students a fun and interactive way to learn about various engineering careers with an insider view into the work and culture of your organization. Site visits are also a great opportunity to network with students and gather resumes for your open positions. Click here to request a date for your site visit.


  • Site visits can take many different shapes, but usually include the following components:
    • an overview of the organization,
    • discussion of career opportunities,
    • a summary of the recruiting processes,
    • a facility tour
    • a networking reception
  • Engineering Career Services will help you in planning your site visit by coordinating the following:
    • transportation to and from your facility
    • student invitations and registrations
  • Employers will be charged the cost of transportation. For more information about the fee structure for site visits, contact Rebecca Kurihine by emailing

Tips for Success

  • Carefully select the date of your site visit Schedule your site visit for a Friday afternoon or on a day when classes are cancelled (such as fall or spring break). Because students have busy class schedules, it is important to schedule your site visit on a day when your event will interfere with the least amount of classes. View the full VCU academic calendar.
  • Determine your target student group Consider your desired student group and work with Engineering Career Services to ensure only those target students are invited to your site visit.
  • Post all open positions on Handshake Your site visit is the perfect opportunity to speak to students about job and internship opportunities. Make sure you have all open positions posted to Handshake before your event. Need assistance posting positions? Contact Rebecca Kurihine by emailing for assistance.
  • Host a networking reception or lunch while students are on site Site visits are a great opportunity to have multiple representatives from your organization network with students. Use this time to get to know students, collect resumes, and share information about your company culture.