Students working at a laptop

Career Advising

Student Handshake Login

To contact your career adviser directly, email Laura Lemza ( or Tonia Sharpe (

Engineering Career Services advising is offered in person and remotely by Zoom. 

To make an appointment with your career adviser, log into Handshake and click the "Career Center" drop-down menu and then click "Appointments".

Digital Drop In Hours:

Engineering Career Services will have digital drop-ins during the school year every Tuesday from 3–5 p.m.

Hosted at this Zoom link: 

Tip: Drop ins are perfect for resume reviews!

Appointment Options:

When making an appointment in Handshake, you can select in-person or video call via Zoom.

Video Call Appointments:

Our office will use VCU's preferred video conferencing tool, Zoom. You can find the Zoom link on your appointment page in Handshake, and in the confirmation email sent to you from Handshake. This will require that you have a device that has camera and audio ability. Students will not need to download or install anything to use Zoom.

Successful Appointment Screenshot

Industry Advising for Electrical and Computer Engineering Students