VCU Engineering offers alumni Career Services for life!

Engineering Career Services provides professional development and job search assistance to all VCU College of Engineering alumni. We have the tools to help you find the job of your dreams and the staff to support you along the way. Use this site as a tool to schedule an appointment with you career adviser, plan to attend our upcoming events, search for job opportunities, and browse the library of career resources.

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Mentor students or help them practice interviewing

Today’s competitive job market requires students to have more than a degree. They need experience! Engineering Career Services is helping to prepare students to find opportunities now and leverage those experiences in the future through the ENGR 395-Professional Development class.

The professional development course covers topics such as resume creation, interviews and professional presentations. The most beneficial part of the class, however, is connecting students to industry though alumni who serve as mentors or who provide mock interviews. Both the Mentoring and Mock Interview programs are structured and require a minimal time commitment.

Want to help? Learn more or sign up for Mentoring.

For mock interviewing, contact Engineering Career Services at

2024-25 Engineering Career Services Employer Partners