Engineering Internship & Career Fair

Don't wait. Employers are hiring now for spring and summer 2025 jobs, internships and co-ops.

Plan to attend the Engineering Internship & Career Fair in addition to our Interview Day.

Come to the Engineering Internship & Career Fair

Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Time: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Soft Opening: 9:30 a.m. for members of engineering student organizations and alumni job seekers
Location: Engineering East Hall, Engineering Research Building, School of Business Atrium

See more details, registration information and the list of employers on Handshake

See more on Handshake

Have time to help? It takes more than 80 student volunteers to help run the fair. Please consider volunteering for an hour.

Participate in Interview Day 

Impress employers at the fair to be invited to interview on campus the next day. Employers will be interviewing and hiring for positions that begin in spring and summer 2025. 

Date: Thursday September 26, 2024
Time: 10 a.m.– 3 p.m.
Location: Engineering East Hall Atrium 

See the list of employers

Have time to help with Interview Day? Please consider volunteering to help check-in students and assist employers. It’s easy!

Get Ready! 

You have questions? We have answers. 

It’s critical to prepare for the Career Fair and Interview Day.

Choose the learning method that works best for you: in-person prep sessions or resume reviews, on-demand videos, a written guide or individualized appointments. 

Prepare for the Fair Cheat Sheet

Career Fair Prep Events

Prepare for the Fair Workshop - Learn how to succeed at the fair

Pitch Practice - Create or improve your self-introduction (pitch) to employers

Pop-In Resume Reviews - Get your resume “career fair ready” with a quick review

Suit Yourself Closet - Gently used professional clothing for VCU students

Career Advising

Career Fair Prep Videos

Prepare for the Fair Video

Prepare for the Fair presentation

Elevator Pitch Video

Elevator Pitch slide deck