Student Services Advisers
VCU’s College of Engineering has a professional academic adviser for each major who can assist students from their first day on campus until they walk across the stage at our diploma ceremony. Every semester, students are required to meet with their assigned adviser prior to registration in order to ensure consistent academic progress towards their degree.
We also provide a career services office dedicated solely to the needs of our highly qualified and much sought after undergraduates and alumni. From convocation to commencement and beyond, VCU’s College of Engineering has helpful professional staff to guide our students through the undergraduate experience.
Academic Advisers
Jennifer C. Rivers
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

Scott Robinson
Director of Advising | Biomedical Engineering

Sarah Pezzat
Academic Adviser | Chemical and Life Science Engineering | Computer Science, Last Names J-M

Micki Parr
Academic Adviser | Electrical and Computer Engineering

Allison Norden
Academic Adviser | Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Last Names L-Z

Katie Reinhardt
Academic Adviser | Computer Science, Last Names A-I | Post-Baccalaureate Computer Science Certificate

Andy Young
Academic Adviser | Computer Science, Last Names N-Z | Fundamentals of Computing

Michelle Mahouski
Academic Adviser | Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering | Last name A-K

Career Advising
Ms. Laura Lemza is the College of Engineering's career adviser. Click here to make an appointment with a career adviser and to view the drop-in hours for Engineering Career Services.
Engineering Career Services has lots of information to help you with internship, Co-op, and/or career searches, as well as resources for graduate school search and application.