
Founded in May 1995, the VCU College of Engineering Foundation is organized exclusively for educational, scientific and charitable purposes. Within this charter, the foundation provides guidance and financial support to the College of Engineering. The foundation is governed by a board of trustees whose members are among Virginia’s most influential leaders and whose professional efforts are vital to the economic development of the commonwealth of Virginia.

The VCU College of Engineering Foundation manages and distributes philanthropic funds and earned income for all departments, programs and organizations associated with the College of Engineering. Additionally, the foundation facilitates engagement and fundraising efforts for the College of Engineering.

The overarching mission of the foundation is to build sustainable financial resources that can support the aspirations of the College of Engineering through economic stress and changing state support for higher education.

Since its inception, the College of Engineering Foundation has raised more than $75 million in cash, gifts and pledges, funded construction of the college’s two academic buildings and provided funding for endowments that support scholarships, professorships and chairs.

Ongoing funding initiatives of the foundation include financial support for student scholarships and organizations, the Career Services office, the Capstone Design Program and workforce development events.