Summer Research Opportunities in Engineering

The Summer Research Opportunities in Engineering program aims to enhance high school students' exposure to engineering research while, providing opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to develop skills in mentoring. High school students entering their junior or senior year who are interested in engineering or computer science may apply for this six week summer program.

What to Expect

The goal of the Summer Research program is to give high school students a research experience resulting in sufficient data to support a presentation. At the same time, the program provides graduate students and postdoctoral fellows the opportunity to develop critical skills in mentoring students. These are skills that will benefit them in their future careers, whether in academia or industry.

Summer Research Fellows

  • Fellows will work with a Ph.D. student and faculty member on a research project
  • Fellows will be expected to work a minimum of 60 hours during the summer, dates are on the application
  • Fellows will prepare a poster based on their research project and will present it at the closing ceremony at the end of the program
  • Applicants will be selected based on their academic achievements
  • Fellows will receive a fee waiver when they apply for undergraduate admission to VCU
  • Fellows will conduct weekly Zoom workshops with relevant VCU professionals to assist with their project

Summer Research Mentors

  • Research mentors will design and submit an appropriate research project proposal for the high school student
  • The proposal must also contain a letter from the faculty mentor confirming their willingness to provide support for the project, including any supplies needed
  • Each research mentor will receive $300 support for supplies needed to support the research project