Undergraduate Studies

Biomedical engineering involves the application and use of engineering principles and expertise to analyze and solve problems related to medicine and health care. Biomedical engineers may be involved with the research, design and deployment of medical devices, implants and systems, as well as new procedures based on engineering analysis, in the areas including rehabilitation and assistive devices, human factors, biomechanics and biomaterials, tissue and cellular engineering, and bioelectrical signals, electronics and imaging. The curriculum prepares students for graduate school, medical school, dental school, or industry. The department currently offers three tracks: biomechanics and rehabilitation engineering, biomedical instrumentation and imaging, and cellular, tissue, and regenerative engineering. Pre-professional health curriculum may fit within any track.

The Bachelor of Science offered by VCU’s Department of Biomedical Engineering is a comprehensive and well-rounded curriculum in all aspects of the biomedical industry.



ABET Accreditation

Hands-on Learning

The biomedical engineering department at VCU knows that hands-on learning experiences are critical for success no matter what career path a student chooses. Some key experiences provided by the program are:

  • Freshman participation on medical and clinical rounds throughout VCU hospitals, the Hunter Holmes McGuire VA and exposure to local Biomedical Engineering companies.
  • Opportunities to use state-of-the-art equipment and learn key design and testing methodologies in: biomechanics, bioinstrumentation, signal processing, cell and tissue engineering, and rehabilitation and human factors engineering.
  • A full year, capstone design project course in the Senior year, with opportunities to work with Medical and other Healthcare faculty, as well as Biomedical companies. Opportunities are also provided to submit completed projects to Biomedical Conferences, with the possibility to present and win prizes.
  • BME faculty are strongly dedicated to providing research and design opportunities for undergraduate students in their laboratories (as well as outside the BME department). Several VCU mechanisms for funding students’ time in a research lab, as well as trips to research conferences, are available.

Undergraduate Advisory Board