Summer Undergraduate Research Program
We are pleased to announce undergraduate student openings for a 10-week Summer Undergraduate Research Experience centered in the Computer Science Department at Virginia Commonwealth University’s College of Engineering in Richmond, VA. Students will work on computer science research projects. Research projects will involve faculty-specific topics focused on the areas indicated below, with an emphasis on providing the student with a comprehensive summer research experience. Students will participate in weekly meetings designed to prepare them for technical careers and/or graduate school. Students will also present their own research findings at the end of the summer. This program is sponsored by the VCU College of Engineering and the National Science Foundation.

Competitive stipends will be offered plus free, on-campus housing. Women and students from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply, as VCU Engineering regularly has a high percentage of female and underrepresented groups in its student body.

Research will be conducted under the supervision of Dr. Kostadin Damevski, Dr. Eyuphan Bulut, or Dr. Bridget McInnes. Topics include end-user programming for robotics, UAVs, security and and natural language processing. Research will be conducted primarily in the brand new Engineering Research Building, where students will have their own workstations with electric standing desks, breakout areas with whiteboards and access to conference rooms.

Previous summers have included projects focused on robotics, teaching middle schoolers to code via hip hop beats, and even mining stackoverflow posts. Check out the following links to get an idea of what the faculty is researching!